
[vc_title title=”Collaborative Research & Consultancies” title_align=”text-left”]

[vc_toggle title=”2021, August – October, 2021: Facilitattion of Regional Policy Dialogue on Sustainable Use of Rangelands and Cross-Border Natural Grazing Resources” color=”grey” el_id=”1444825640742-c7480fea-a24b”]

<strong>Client:</strong> AU-IBAR/IGAD

<strong>Role:</strong>Lead Consultant, Range Management


[vc_toggle title=”2021, February  – March: Facilitation of Virtual Online Learning on Scinetific Writing for Africa Climate Leadership Program (AfriCLP) Fellows” color=”grey” el_id=”1444825640742-c7480fea-a24b”]

<strong>Client:</strong> Africa Climate Leadership Program (AfriCLP)

<strong>Role: </strong>Research Scientist


[vc_toggle title=”2021, February – March: Review of Desk Study to Understand the Role and Potential of Private Sector in Addressing Acute Malnutrition in Isiolo and Marsabit Counties, Kenya” style=”round_outline” color=”grey” el_id=”1444825640742-c7480fea-a24b”]

<strong>Client:</strong>Submitted to Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition (GAIN) / Nutrition in ASALs Within Integrated Resilient Institutions (NAWIRI) Program

<strong>Role:</strong> Rangeland Management Specialist


[vc_toggle title=”2020, December – January, 2021: Final Program Evaluation of Kenya Resilient Arid Lands Partnership for Integrated Development (Kenya RAPID) ” style=”round_outline” color=”grey” el_id=”1444825640742-c7480fea-a24b”]

<strong>Client:</strong>Millennium Development (MWA)

<strong>Role:</strong> Rangeland Management Specialist


[vc_toggle title=”2020, August – December, 2020: Strengthening Resilience Building Capacity through Three-Pronged Approach: Development of National and Urban Integrated Context Analyses (ICA)” style=”round_outline” color=”grey” el_id=”1444825640742-c7480fea-a24b”]

<strong>Client: </strong>World Food Programme

<strong>Role:</strong> Climate Change and Livelihoods Lead


[vc_toggle title=”2019 (January – May): Development of Regional Rangeland Management Strategic Framework for Arid and Semi-Arid Lands in IGAD Region” style=”round_outline” color=”grey” el_id=”1444825640742-c7480fea-a24b”]

Development of Regional Strategy for Rangeland Management in Arid and Semi-Arid Lands in IGAD Region

<strong>Client: </strong>IGAD/ICPALD

<strong>Role:</strong> Lead Consultant, Rangeland Managemen



[vc_toggle title=”2019 (September– February) 2020: Assessment of Drought Impacts and Use of Early Warning Climate Information for Resilience Building in the IGAD Region” style=”round_outline” color=”grey” el_id=”1444825640742-c7480fea-a24b”]

Development of Regional Strategy for Rangeland Management in Arid and Semi-Arid Lands in IGAD Region

<strong>Client: </strong>IGAD

<strong>Role:</strong> National Consultant, Drought Risk Management


[vc_toggle title=”2019 (January–May): Development of Regional Strategy for Rangeland Management in Arid and Semi-Arid Lands in IGAD Region” style=”round_outline” color=”grey” el_id=”1444825640742-c7480fea-a24b”]

Development of Regional Strategy for Rangeland Management in Arid and Semi-Arid Lands in IGAD Region

<strong>Client: </strong>IGAD/ICPALD

<strong>Role:</strong> Lead Consultant, Rangeland Management


[vc_toggle title=”2018 (February –March): Development of Climate Risk Management Mainstreaming Training Manual for Kenya” style=”round_outline” color=”grey” el_id=”1444825640742-c7480fea-a24b”]

Development of Climate Risk Management Mainstreaming Training Manual for Kenya


<strong>Role:</strong> Climate Change Adaptation Lead


[vc_toggle title=”2017 (October – November): Community Resilience in Kerio River Ecosystem (CORKE) Project in Elgeyo-Marakwet, West Pokot and Baringo Counties, Kenya” style=”round_outline” color=”grey” el_id=”1444825640742-c7480fea-a24b”]

Community Resilience in Kerio River Ecosystem (CORKE) Project in Elgeyo-Marakwet, West Pokot and Baringo Counties, Kenya

<strong>Client: </strong>NCCK

<strong>Role:</strong> Range Management and Resilience Specialist


[vc_toggle title=”2017 (March – May, 2017): Review the IGAD/ICPAC Climate Risk and Food Security Atlas” style=”round_outline” color=”grey” el_id=”1444825640742-c7480fea-a24b”]

Review the IGAD/ICPAC Climate Risk and Food Security Atlas

<strong>Client: </strong>IGAD/ICPAC

<strong>Role:</strong> Reviewer


[vc_toggle title=”2016 (September –December): Baseline study to support the GEF-funded project “Building Resilience for food security and nutrition in Chad’s rural communities”” style=”round_outline” color=”grey” el_id=”1444825640742-c7480fea-a24b”]

Baseline study to support the GEF-funded project “Building Resilience for food security and nutrition in Chad’s rural communities”

<strong>Client: </strong>CAMCO Advisory Services/African Development Bank

<strong>Role:</strong> Lead consultant on Agro-silvo-pastoral Production Systems in the Drylands


[vc_toggle title=”2016 (2015, November -2016, June): Baseline study to support the GEF-funded project “Technical Evalution of Drought Mitigation Related Technologies Under Cash/Food for Assets Programme implemented in the Arid and Semi-Arid Lands of Kenya by World Food Programme in partnership with FAO”” style=”round_outline” color=”grey” el_id=”1444825640742-c7480fea-a24b”]

Baseline study to support the GEF-funded project “Technical Evalution of Drought Mitigation Related Technologies Under Cash/Food for Assets Programme implemented in the Arid and Semi-Arid Lands of Kenya by World Food Programme in partnership with FAO”

<strong>Client: </strong>United Nations World Food Programme and FAO

<strong>Role:</strong> Lead consultant on Range Management


[vc_toggle title=”2015 (November, 2014 –February, 2015): Baseline study to support the GEF-funded project “Assessing Vulnerability of Communities and Livelihood Systems in Turkana and Marsabit Counties”” style=”round_outline” color=”grey” el_id=”1444825640742-c7480fea-a24b”]

Baseline study to support the GEF-funded project “Assessing Vulnerability of Communities and Livelihood Systems in Turkana and Marsabit Counties”

<strong>Client: </strong>GIZ

<strong>Role:</strong> Co-consultant on Pastoralist Livelihoods in Collaboration with German Institute for Tropical and Subtropical Agriculture (DITSL), Witzenhausen, Germany


[vc_toggle title=”2016 (June 5 – August 30): Formulation of Framework for Integrated Climate Risk Management in Kenya” style=”round_outline” color=”grey” el_id=”1444825640742-c7480fea-a24b”]

Formulation of Framework for Integrated Climate Risk Management in Kenya

<strong>Client: </strong>National Drought Management Authority (NDMA/UNDP)

<strong>Role:</strong> Lead consultant on Disaster Risk Reduction and Climate Change Adaptation


[vc_toggle title=”2016 (May 30 – June 16): Review of the draft national wildlife and climate change strategy for Kenya.” style=”round_outline” color=”grey” el_id=”1444825640742-c7480fea-a24b”]

Review of the draft national wildlife and climate change strategy for Kenya.

<strong>Client: </strong>African Wildlife Foundation (AWF) &amp; Kenya Wildlife Service (KWS)

<strong>Role:</strong> Lead consultant on Rangeland Management


[vc_toggle title=”2015 (May 5 -27): Lake Victoria Environmental Management Programme (LVEMP II) Watershed Management and Improved Livelihoods Technical Support Mission in Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania.” style=”round_outline” color=”grey” el_id=”1444825640742-c7480fea-a24b”]

Lake Victoria Environmental Management Programme (LVEMP II) Watershed Management and Improved Livelihoods Technical Support Mission in Kenya, Uganda, and Tanzania.

Client: The World Bank and FAO

Role: Lead consultant on Range Management


[vc_toggle title=”2015 (Feb. – March): End of project Evaluation of the Natural Resource Management Facility (Changieni Rasilimali Facility) at Act Change Transform (ACT!)” style=”round_outline” color=”grey” el_id=”1444825640742-c7480fea-a24b”]

End of project Evaluation of the Natural Resource Management Facility (Changieni Rasilimali Facility) at Act Change Transform (ACT!)

Client: Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency

Role: Lead consultant on Natural Resource Management and Livelihoods


[vc_toggle title=”2014 (Nov.) – 2015 (March): Development of Guidelines and Framework for Drought Resilience Analysis, and Capacity Building of Stakeholders under the framework of the IGAD Drought Disaster Resilience and Sustainability Initiative (IDDRSI), Kenya Country Programming Paper (Drought Risk Management and Ending Drought Emergencies Medium Term Plan for 2013-17.” style=”round_outline” color=”grey” el_id=”1444825640742-c7480fea-a24b”]

Development of Guidelines and Framework for Drought Resilience Analysis, and Capacity Building of Stakeholders under the framework of the IGAD Drought Disaster Resilience and Sustainability Initiative (IDDRSI), Kenya Country Programming Paper (Drought Risk Management and Ending Drought Emergencies Medium Term Plan for 2013-17.

Client: Dryland Development Centre, UNDP

Role: Lead consultant on Dryland resilience


[vc_toggle title=”2014 (March – Aug): Design and Development of Pastoralist Resilience Partnership (PReP) Project Proposal under DFID’s Component B of BRACED Programme. The project focuses on Resilience Building and Adaptation to Climate Extremes and Disasters in the context of Kenya and Uganda’s Karamoja Cluster.” style=”round_outline” color=”grey” el_id=”1444825640742-c7480fea-a24b”]

Design and Development of Pastoralist Resilience Partnership (PReP) Project Proposal under DFID’s Component B of BRACED Programme. The project focuses on Resilience Building and Adaptation to Climate Extremes and Disasters in the context of Kenya and Uganda’s Karamoja Cluster.

Client: PReP consortium comprising Action Against Hunger (ACF) in Kenya and Uganda, Danish Refugee Council (DRC) and Danish Demining Group (DDG) in Kenya and Uganda

Role: Lead consultant on Dryland Ecosystems and Pastoral Livelihoods


[vc_toggle title=”2011 (June – August):End-term Evaluation of the Pastoralist Basket Fund programme in Tanzania” style=”round_outline” color=”grey” el_id=”1444825640742-c7480fea-a24b”]

End-term Evaluation of the Pastoralist Basket Fund programme in Tanzania

Client: CARE international

Role: Principal researcher


[vc_toggle title=”2010 (Oct. – Nov.): Environmental Audit of AMREF’s Pastoral Projects in Kenya” style=”round_outline” color=”grey” el_id=”1444825640742-c7480fea-a24b”]

Environmental Audit of AMREF’s Pastoral Projects in Kenya

Client: AMREF Kenya

Role: Lead expert


[vc_toggle title=”2011 (June – August): Mid-term Evaluation of the Pastoralist Basket Fund programme in Tanzania” style=”round_outline” color=”grey” el_id=”1444825640742-c7480fea-a24b”]

Mid-term Evaluation of the Pastoralist Basket Fund programme in Tanzania

Client: CARE international-Tanzania

Role: Principal researcher


[vc_toggle title=”2010 – 2011: “Climate risk management and adaptations options for pastoral and agro-pastoral systems in East and Central Africa. The study was jointly undertaken by ICRISAT and ILRI and funded by ASARECA.” style=”round_outline” color=”grey” el_id=”1444825640742-c7480fea-a24b”]

“Climate risk management and adaptations options for pastoral and agro-pastoral systems in East and Central Africa. The study was jointly undertaken by ICRISAT and ILRI and funded by ASARECA.

Client: ILRI

Role: Co-investigator


[vc_toggle title=”2009 – 2011: Strengthening the adaptive capacity of rural poor to water scarcity in Kenya’s rangelands” style=”round_outline” color=”grey” el_id=”1444825640742-c7480fea-a24b”]

“Strengthening the adaptive capacity of rural poor to water scarcity in Kenya’s rangelands”.

Client: A pilot study for Advancing Capacity to Support Climate Change Adaptation (ACCCA) project funded by UNITAR and START.

Role: Co-investigator


[vc_toggle title=”2010: (Aug. 15 – 28): Medicinal plants of Kajiado District: An assessment of species and therapeutic claims of the Maasai community in Kajiado” style=”round_outline” color=”grey” el_id=”1444825640742-c7480fea-a24b”]

“Medicinal plants of Kajiado District: An assessment of species and therapeutic claims of the Maasai community in Kajiado”

Client: AMREF Kenya

Role: Lead expert


[vc_toggle title=”2008 – 2010: Links between Seasonal Climatic Variability and Poverty: A case Study of Pastoral and Agro-pastoral Communities in Baringo District, Kenya” style=”round_outline” color=”grey” el_id=”1444825640742-c7480fea-a24b”]

“Links between Seasonal Climatic Variability and Poverty: A case Study of Pastoral and Agro-pastoral Communities in Baringo District, Kenya”.

Client: RUFORUM funded project

Role: Co-investigator:


[vc_toggle title=”2011 (Jan. –April): Feasibility Study and designing of Livestock and Range Management component of Wildlife Conservation Project in Northern Kenya” style=”round_outline” color=”grey” el_id=”1444825640742-c7480fea-a24b”]

Feasibility Study and designing of Livestock and Range Management component of Wildlife Conservation Project in Northern Kenya

Client: Ministry of Forestry and Wildlife/French Development Agency

Role: Lead expert for Livestock and Rangeland Management


[vc_toggle title=”2010 (Jan – April): Training of Trainers on Pastoralism Dynamics and Policy Options (PPO) in Eastern Africa” style=”round_outline” color=”grey” el_id=”1444825640742-c7480fea-a24b”]

Training of Trainers on Pastoralism Dynamics and Policy Options (PPO) in Eastern Africa

Client: IIED/KIMMAGE-UK/MS-Training Centre for Development Cooperation (MS-TCDC), Arusha, Tanzania. The TOT training was funded by CORDAID

Role: Facilitator – Pillar one of the course, which entails dynamics of dryland natural resources and their determinants.


[vc_toggle title=”2010: (Aug. 15 – 28): Medicinal plants of Kajiado District: An assessment of species and therapeutic claims of the Maasai community in Kajiado” style=”round_outline” color=”grey” el_id=”1444825640742-c7480fea-a24b”]

“Medicinal plants of Kajiado District: An assessment of species and therapeutic claims of the Maasai community in Kajiado”

Client: AMREF Kenya

Role: Lead expert


[vc_toggle title=”2007 – 2010: Facilitation of a course on Pastoralism Dynamics and Policy Options in Eastern Africa” style=”round_outline” color=”grey” el_id=”1444825640742-c7480fea-a24b”]

Facilitation of a course on Pastoralism Dynamics and Policy Options in Eastern Africa

Client: MS-TCDC, Arusha, Tanzania.

Role: Course facilitator – pillar one of the course, which entails dynamics of dryland natural resources and their determinants


[vc_toggle title=”2006: (Sept. – Oct.): A Comparative Study of Commercial Consumptive and Non-Consumptive Utilization Options for Wildlife Conservation Strategies in Kenya” style=”round_outline” color=”grey” el_id=”1444825640742-c7480fea-a24b”]

“A Comparative Study of Commercial Consumptive and Non-Consumptive Utilization Options for Wildlife Conservation Strategies in Kenya”.

Client: The International Fund for Animal Welfare (IFAW)

Role: Lead expert


[vc_toggle title=”2006 – 2007: Ecological and socio-economic assessment of the use and management of the Lembus Forest” style=”round_outline” color=”grey” el_id=”1444825640742-c7480fea-a24b”]

Ecological and socio-economic assessment of the use and management of the Lembus Forest.

Client: World Conservation Union (IUCN) through the Lembus Forests Integrated Conservation and Development Project (ICDP)

Role: Co-investigator


[vc_toggle title=”2001 – 2002: Indigenous Techniques of Assessing and Monitoring Range Resources in East Africa” style=”round_outline” color=”grey” el_id=”1444825640742-c7480fea-a24b”]

“Indigenous Techniques of Assessing and Monitoring Range Resources in East Africa”.

Client: Regional Land Management Unit (RELMA at World Agroforestry Centre)

Role: Co-investigator


